Why and How I Use Dividend Strength


As many of you would know, I initially built SGXcafe for my personal investment needs. Hence many tools here exist because I use them personally for my own investing.

iAssist and iSuggest were tools that I built in an attempt to help me diversify my portfolio as it was rather challenging to decide which stock to add to my portfolio among the several hundred stocks listed in SGX.

However, there is a flaw in simply just trying to diversify. I did not really attempt to discriminate between “good” and “bad” stocks explicitly and I actually ended up with some “bad” stocks in my portfolio. In my attempt to recognize “good” stocks – which I loosely define to have a positive (green) P&L after factoring in dividends – I created Dividend Strength. By applying machine learning techniques on fundamental data that I have, Dividend Strength identifies stocks that will be able to pay good dividends, year after year.

Many of the stocks that I added to my portfolio were before I created Dividend Strength. So when Dividend Strength was first ready, I used it to look at my own portfolio and found that many stocks that are green were those with high Dividend Strength, and many stocks that were red were those with low Dividend Strength. That gave further validation that Dividend Strength was indeed on the right track.

In fact, if you look at my portfolio now and sort it by Dividend Strength, you would still see the same trend because I have yet to sell the “bad” stocks as I haven’t devised a good way to time when to buy/sell. Speaking of which, perhaps I should develop a tool that uses technical analysis to try to decide when to buy/sell…

Nowadays, I mainly add stocks into my portfolio which helps in diversification and have strong Dividend Strength. This is why and how I use Dividend Strength.

How about you? How do you make your investment decisions? What are the features in SGXcafe that have been helpful in your investment decision?



  • I agree and that is why when we met I highlighted that SGXCafe could be an ultimate tool and destination for Dividend Investors. Please keep up the great work and it is good to see that the founder of SGXCafe is humble and continues to learn! We are all learning and it is key to have a growth mindset.

  • Do there have any strategic on how to invest in Singapore stock? Because I am new in SGX market, and I can see most stock is not volatile. Hope you guys can give me some suggestion.

  • Hi Evan, great to see you continue to evolve the site and explain the advantages. Can you please check Global Logistic Properties entry in iSuggest, as it has a “green” 71.09 in iAssist but does not appear in iSuggest. Thanks.

  • Hi Orion,

    It is because of this -> “Stability is measured by stocks that have been giving out dividends for at least the last 5 years and has good liquidity.”

    iSuggest does this filtering whereas iAssist. You might wonder why iAssist do not have this filtering. It is because iAssist only rank stocks that are in your watchlist hence it is assumed that you have already done some form of filtering.

    Of course, this can and should be be improved. I will be working on features where users can determine the filtering.



Evan Koh



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