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Name                                      Port% Shares APrice Close Value Day% P&L% Div% P&L+Div% ProjY 52W%
Essex Property Trust Earnings 5.88% 30 253.7 257.67 7,730.1 +0.85% +1.56% 18.45% +20.02% 3.64%
Amazon.com Earnings 71.74% 500 47.51 188.76 94,380 +0.03% +297.31% NA +297.31% 0%
Meta Platforms Inc 17.80% 50 149.45 468.24 23,412 +0.55% +213.31% 0.33% +213.64% 0.11%
Ethereum 4.58% 2 2,100 3,015.16 6,030.32 -1.61% +43.58% NA +43.58% 0%
Adjust Display Columns Note: If the "Close" price is marked red, either the symbol has changed or the stock has stopped trading