Tuesday 4 July 2017

Do You Know the Meaning of Financial Freedom?

I want to be financially free!

This is probably the dream of everyone. What exactly is financial freedom? How do you achieve it?

By convention via a linear pathway, we were taught to study hard, get good grades, enrol into good schools, go to the University. After graduation, you find a good-paying job and then work work work to climb up up up the corporate ladder. 

After going through all the stressful periods farming your hard earned money, you then feel the urge to spend spend spend to satisfy your material needs, pamper yourself like royalty on holidays, buy bigger houses, cash in on the latest car models etc. After splurging on those big-ticket items, you then feel the pinch and obediently goes back to work to earn back the money again. Sounds familiar? 

Indeed, most people trade the bulk of their time for a paycheck. I'd term this a 'vicious cycle in perpetuity'. In other words, it is a self-imposed rat race. 

What is financial freedom?
As the name suggests, it means being free financially where you can maintain your lifestyle without worrying about a monthly paycheck, bills, food and entertainment expenses etc. 

Financial freedom is not merely about having more money. We have seen wealthy people fall from grace and become bankrupts, high-income earners who had to slog/borrow/beg to pay off debts or people who seems to be rich on the outside but actually poor on the inside.

On the flip side, we also witness ordinary people who earns modestly and lives simply. Despite that, they are able to do what they like. They work because they want to work, not because they need to work. They can afford a yearly holiday trip and some occasional splurges yet don't feel a pinch in their wallet.

Achieving financial freedom is about how you make use of money wisely with a peace of mind.

If money is not an issue, what would you do?
To understand financial freedom, you need to ask yourself the question above.

Would you travel around the world?
Would you start a new business?
Would you spend more time with your loved ones? 
Would you spend your time volunteering and help the needy? 
Or would you take on new hobbies?

Being financially free gives you these options. 

Take control of your life
To achieve financial freedom, here are some simple steps you need to take:
- Avoid debts
- Spend less than what you earn
- Invest your spare cash
- Generate multiple income streams 
- Set your financial goals. Know what you are working towards to
- The earlier you start, the better
- Be grateful with what you have, don't compare with others

What does financial freedom means to you?
Building wealth is just part of the equation. There are many more aspects in life to appreciate such as building your health, happiness, dreams.

For me, financial freedom is more than just financials. It means having the time of freedom to do what I want to do. Instead of material possessions, I prefer to have freedom to spend time with my loved ones. Having the freedom to change my career, start a new business, take some time off to gain new perspectives through meditation, pursue my passion and dreams, travel the world to learn more about what this splendid world has to offer and celebrate for. 

It’s not about what I choose to do, it’s about having the freedom to choose who I want to be or do what I want in my life fulfillingly and meaningfully. 

Go forth and plan your financial journey. Believe in yourself and you will reap the fruits of labour eventually. 

I would love to hear your definition of financial freedom! I would appreciate if you could leave your comments below :)



  1. My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose – somehow we always win out. https://brandyou.ie/2016/11/04/how-to-achieve-your-goals-in-life-or-business-3-secret-weapons-2/

  2. I think no one is fully independent financially. However, we can do our best to get rid of debt, start saving or investing or work harder to earn more. More steps to gain financial freedom can be found here

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Feel free to drop your comments here!