Sunday, October 7, 2018

Besides IQ, EQ and FQ, What About CQ?

Wait! What Qs am I talking about here? 

The Q that I am referring here is "Quotient", so you have the common ones like IQ (Intelligence Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient) and FQ (Financial Quotient), what about the last one, CQ? Anyone want to make a guess? 

No, I am not talking about cultural quotient, what I am talking about is "Charity Quotient" i.e. how charitable are you (voluntarily i.e. not due to peer pressure or assignment by your company but do it from the bottom of your heart)? 

Also, "charity" here need not be something big like involving in mega charitable event or donating big sum of money, it can be as small as just spending a couple of hours with seniors from the charity home, as long as it does make a difference in some body's lives (regardless of how impactful the difference is). 

If we can put some ratings for such a quotient, how would it look like? Just for fun, I am basing on my usual ratings for movie review to generate a scale loosely for Charity Quotient as per follows:

Of course, it doesn't mean that if you score a "5", it automatically make a good or successful person (reverse is true too), it just mean that you are more charitable and being charitable, I do believe that you are enjoying life more meaningfully.

Personally, I am at the average of "3", what about you?


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