Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What did I buy in Apr 18, May 18 and Jun 18?

I didn't know 3 months had passed so quickly.

Apr 18
Design Studio Bought more at $0.32. I didn't have the time to do a detailed review, but the company locked in losses, CFO resigned, but I think that the business model was still sound, so I just bought a bit first. Prices have fallen further since, so I will just adopt wait and see approach.

May 18
QAF Bought more at $0.95. Same thing, I didn't have the time to do a detailed review, but the company announced reduced earnings, some oversupply issues still persist which look cyclical, but economic moat still looks good, so I just bought a bit first. Prices have not fallen beyond $0.95, but hovering around $1.

Jun 18
Singtel Bought more at $3.18. Same thing, I didn't have the time to do a detailed review, but the company fundamentals hadn't changed much. I think it's just the market sentiment about the threat of the 4th telco adding price pressure. I still like the business, so I just bought a bit first and will just wait and see if the price falls further. Prices have fallen further.

Hopefully more opportunities appear in the coming months.

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