Just received the last dividend of the year from Valuetronics. Total dividend received for the year is around 17k and is boosted to 24k if I include dividend received for CPF portfolio. This is about 10% lower than last year’s 19k and 26k, probably due to more fund being deployed to US counters this year.


I am not a pure income investor, so the received dividend increases at a slow and sporadic rate. In fact, I did not even bother about dividend in my early years of investing. It only becomes more significant as my portfolio grows and a change in investment goal makes me pay more attention to it.

Going forward, I hope I can at least double the dividend received in a decade but I expect the increase to continue to be sporadic as I managed my mixed portfolio. In fact, my projected dividend for my new combined portfolio next year will just hit around 21k., partly because I exclude ES3 in the portfolio. However, even if I include dividend from ES3, it will dip to 23k.

Oh well, I am an optimist and I am quite sure the increase will come again from year 2021 onwards.